Post by Neon Blue on Nov 12, 2010 18:55:59 GMT -5
AFFILIATION TYPEStatic SITE NAMEWarrior City SITE URLwarriorcity.proboards.com/index.cgiBUTTON IMAGEBUTTON CODE<a href="http://warriorcity.proboards.com/index.cgi" target="_blank" title="Warrior City"><img src="http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy110/NeonSyreeBlue/Site%20Pics/gypsy-1.png" height="31" width="88" border="0" alt="Warrior City"></a> SITE PLOT/INFOThis rpg takes place in year 2034. Much time has passed, and very little has changed in the human world. The world of the warriors, however, has changed drastically. With the destruction of the lake all that time ago, the cats where forced to adapt to the city. Their noble ways were discarded, and only survival was a factor. The forest is now but a long forgotten dream, and the clans are at war with themselves and each other. So lets drum up some cats and jump into a revolution!