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No New Posts LEADER'S DEN - 1 Viewing

The leader's den is underneath a large bramble thicket between the warriors' and elders' dens. Announcements are made from a branch overhanging the den.

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No New Posts MEDICINE CAT'S DEN - 1 Viewing

The medicine cat resides under a bramble thicket in the corner of camp, beyond the leader's den. There are gaps in the branches so the medicine cat can see the sky.

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The warriors' den is in the circle of dens under the bramble cover bordering camp. It faces the entrance of camp to allow for easy defense.

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Underneath a bramble thicket at the edge of camp is where the Clan's apprentices make their nests. This den is located in between the elders' and warriors' dens.

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No New Posts NURSERY

The nursery is the most well-protected den. It is guarded by the sharpest thorns on low-hanging brambles to deter any intruders.

1 4 Hoppin' around the (empty) nursery ;; open
by Yellowstar
Oct 19, 2010 20:32:42 GMT -5
No New Posts ELDERS' DEN

Like all of the other dens in ShadowClan's camp, the elders' den is located in a bramble thicket. Low-hanging branches provide both protection and privacy.

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Thread Announcement  
newBookmarkLockedFalling Early Leaf-bare Newsletter
Sporelett 14 543 by yoko
Nov 17, 2010 19:09:21 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Sad Pandas (Open)
Yellowstar 6 338 by Yellowstar
Oct 23, 2010 16:23:55 GMT -5


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A wide, shallow dip in the ground that is hidden from seeking eyes by cloaking brambles and the low-hanging branches of surrounding trees. Inside the camp, the branches form a low canopy that is good protection against the elements. A tumble of boulders near the edge of camp allows cats to view the canopy from above.
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